His entire body trembles, every touch threatening to overwhelm him. Pleasure courses through the man’s body, electric shocks of pure lust caressing his long-neglected cock. Finally, after months of denial, he is just a few strokes away from release. His hips buck forward, seeking, yearning…
…only to feel his keyholder once again secure the cock cage around his still-throbbing organ. Though he did not orgasm, the good feeling does not leave him. His body continues to rock and twitch with pleasurable sensations as his chastity continues for another day. He did not get his release, but he waits patiently, excited and aroused, for the day when his ultimately pleasure finally “cums”.
Does the scenario above sound hot? Erotic? Intense? All of the above, but also a little bit intimidating?
Don’t worry! Achieving that kind of pleasure and trust in your relationship is much simpler than it seems. The journey into male chastity can seem a daunting one, paved with rules, stress, and expectations. Perhaps you’ve read stories that portray male chastity as an elaborate theater requiring a truly staggering amount of props and a need to keep your audience constantly on edge. Maybe you’ve seen example chastity contracts with lists of rules pages upon pages long. But male chastity is more than just complex scenarios and endless rules.
First Things First – What’s a Male Chastity Device?

“Male chastity device” refers to any item that can be used to control or outright deny a man’s ability to become erect and reach orgasm. The most popular male chastity devices include cock rings, sounds, chastity belts, and, of course, the classic cock cage.
Cock rings are better suited to one-time play sessions, while chastity belts are expensive and must be custom-made for each user. If you’re thinking about making male chastity a regular or permanent – but also affordable-- part of your relationship dynamic, then a cock cage is right for you!

A cock cage envelops the entire penis and secures the testicles, allowing the man to urinate freely but preventing his ability to become erect, orgasm, or even touch and rub his own cock. Cock cages typically sport a comfortable ring- or tube-based design which does not chafe, itch, or fall off. Provided that you clean them regularly, cock cages are perfect for long-term use, including 24/7 enforced chastity.
Cock cages are secured by a lock – and yes, men, that means you’ve gotta give up the key! You can’t be trusted not to unlock yourself, after all! Most men will entrust their chastity to either their partner or a trained professional keyholder. This keyholder gets to decide everything, from how long you remain locked up to whether or not you have earned an orgasm when you are freed.
At Lock the Cock, customers can choose between a cage with an external padlock or one with an internal locking device. The external lock allows for a visual reminder of the keyholder’s power and control over the caged partner, while the internal mechanism is rattle-free and perfect for the extra thrill of attending public events while locked up!
Buying Your Cock Cage

Cock cages are like Cinderella’s glass slipper – it’s important to find the one that fits you or your partner’s penis just right. Make sure to browse Lock the Cock’s extensive collection of colors, shapes, sizes and materials before making your purchase. (Or “purchases” – sometimes you can’t choose just one!)
You have plenty of options to choose from when buying your cage. Simple cages like the Eyes on Her Prize offer all the restriction you’d expect from a cage that gets the job done. More intricate designs like the Inescapable, or The Dark Cobra can keep you chaste while your cock looks great.
For a greater challenge, slaves can take on The Flat Gatling or the Steel Holy Trainer Nub, which will be tough to squeeze into and hide your cock away. Meanwhile, both the Cellmate and Shock the Cock models offer electrostimulation as a punishment for unruly slaves.
You can even start exploring chastity alone to get started before you try to find a partner by taking advantage of various timer lock solutions like the Key Pod or the Electronic Timer Padlock.

Measure your penis before making any final purchase decisions. Choose a cage which will fit snugly without being too tight – you want to cut off your ability to orgasm, not your circulation!
To learn more about measuring a soon-to-be-caged cock and picking out its perfect new home, check out our helpful guide here:

Once your cock cage has arrived – courtesy of our one-of-a-kind discreet shipping – it’s time to get locked up!
How to Put On Your New Cock Cage

The keyholder should perform or assist with caging their partner – it’s a sensual bonding experience as well as practical for understanding how the device works. Plus, slooooowly slipping him into his cage and locking him up is a perfect opportunity for teasing!
Cages come with one of two types of cock rings, hinged or solid. To put on a hinged ring, open it to its widest extent and place it around the penis behind the testicles. Close the ring gently, making sure not to catch any skin in the hinge (unless you’re deliberately doing so as a tease or punishment!) You will hear a click when the ring is closed properly.
To put on a solid ring, first ensure that the penis is completely flaccid. Push the testicles through the ring one at a time; finally, bend the penis downwards and gently slip it through the ring.
Lube can make the process of putting on a cock cage much, much easier and more comfortable. The cock and balls are very sensitive areas of the body, and it often (especially if you are not circumcised) has a lot of loose skin which can stretch, pinch or get caught on the material of the cage. Even a little bit of lube greatly minimizes the risk of such damage occurring.
If you’re unsure of what type of lube to pair with your chastity cage, we fully recommend starting with a silicone-based product. Long-lasting, easy to clean and use, comfortable and safe, hypoallergenic, and best of all, it’s so effective, you should only need to use a little bit at a time!
As an added bonus, silicone-based lube simply feels good when it comes in contact with your sensitive flesh. You can even use it to give your keyholder sensuous massages – we find that’s a great way to convince him or her to knock some time off of your next lock-up!
Once the ring is securely on – snug but not too tight – it’s time to add the tube! Again, baby oil or the lube of your choice is a recommended tool for this step, as is making sure that the penis is completely flaccid. Adventurous keyholders can even apply ice or lower the temperature to make the cock tinier and the application process even smoother! Gently rub (or have the keyholder rub!) oil/lube all over the glans of the penis and then slide it slowly and gently into the tube. Attach the tube to the ring – most of our products use a series of pins to make connecting the two components extremely simple!
Safety & Hygiene!

Once the ring and cage are properly connected, it’s time to seal that lock! Fasten the padlock and have the keyholder store the key somewhere safe and secure. All Lock the cock products come with two keys, allowing the keyholder to display one prominently on their person while keeping the other in a protected location such as a safe, drawer, or even post office box. Make sure to choose a location where the key cannot be lost, stolen or damaged.
When the lock clicks shut, your chastity lifestyle has begun! While it’s up to the keyholder to decide how long each enforced chastity session will last, it’s recommended to remove the cage at least every 3-4 days for cleaning of both the device and the penis. If you or your partner are trying out a cock cage for the first time, shorter sessions, may be needed as your/his cock adjusts to its new home. Try starting out with 24 hours of confinement and gradually increasing the length each time if he’s a bad boy – or a good one!
Does wearing a cock cage hurt?

While cages may be uncomfortable, they should never cause the user pain. Caged partners, make sure to tell your keyholder immediately if you are experiencing any pain, swelling, itchiness, dry/flaking skin, difficulty urinating, or discoloration of any part of the penis or testicles. Customers are encouraged to check out our safety & comfort page for additional tips on cleaning your device and keeping you or your partner’s cock hygienic and healthy!
Will my cock cage chafe?

A properly cleaned, well-fastened cage should not chafe. If you are experiencing any signs of chafing, including redness, itching, or sore, tender skin, this is likely a sign that either you are not cleaning the cage properly or that you are not drying it thoroughly enough. Make your cleaning sessions a bit more frequent and pay extra attention to drying off until the redness clears up.
Will my cock cage fall off?

A well-sized cock cage should not fall off under any circumstances. If your cage is falling or slipping, this is generally a sign that it is too large for you, or perhaps not the right shape. Don’t despair – take a look at our wide variety of available chastity devices to find the perfect one for you!
After the “Click”….You’re Locked, What Next?
The ring has clicked shut. The key is safely in its holder’s control. So…what next? Enforced chastity is about more than just the cage, right, so….what’s supposed to happen now?

First, if you haven’t already, talk. Some questions you might discuss: How long is the cage going to stay on? If this is you or your partner’s first time caged, it shouldn’t be more than a day or two. Even if your cock cage is the perfect fit, it’s going to take a little getting used to. Start with smaller periods of time, gradually increasing each session until you’ve reached the length of time that works for you and your partner. That might be one hour a day. It might be one day a year. Or it might be 24/7/365. The only right answer is one that you and your partner decide on together!
Male Chastity Training: An Example

For someone who is using a cock cage for the first time, an example first few sessions might progress as follows:
First, the caged partner is locked up for 24 hours, to make sure the device fits properly without pain or chafing.
Second, the caged partner is locked up for three days. Whether or not orgasm is allowed at the end of this period is at the discretion of the couple, but release from the case definitively occurs after 72 hours. Both cage and penis are given a thorough cleaning and inspected for any injuries or damage.
Third, the caged partner is locked up for seven days. During this period, experimentation begins with rules or tasks – earning an earlier release for good behavior or prolonging it via misbehaving. However, the caging should ideally not be extended beyond 30 days, as this is still considered part of the trial period.

Never play without a safeword. It’s important that a caged individual have the ability to opt-out quickly while his penis is getting adjusted to the feeling of being confined. Once the three trial sessions are complete, you and your partner can move on to experimenting with long-term chastity if you choose – a week, a month, three months or even a year without orgasm! The only limits are the ones you choose to set yourself!
Forever and Beyond: Living with Male Chastity

So, you’ve completed your test sessions, the cage fits perfectly, and you’ve decided that maybe long-term or permanent enforced chastity is for you. Does this mean the caged partner will never orgasm again? Does this mean you’re now in a female led relationship (aka female centered relationship)? Does this mean the dominant partner now controls every aspect of the relationship, from what you eat for dinner to what you spend your shared finances on?
The answer to all three of those questions is the same: “only if you and your partner want.”
Those questions represent three of the most common misconceptions about long-term male chastity relationship: that the caged man never receives an orgasm, that chastity automatically equals female led relationship, and that it must by extension include elements such as financial domination and complete lifestyle control.
However, what chastity is truly about is the ways in which it strengthens and deepens the relationship between partners. To understand that, let’s take a look at the “WHYs” of chastity – the reasons why so many people choose to engage in these amazing, unique relationships!
From What to Why: Psychological Benefits of Male Chastity

When a man has an orgasm, his brain releases a chemical called dopamine. Basically, dopamine makes you happy, physically and emotionally. It’s that high you get when you complete a task or reach a goal or eat your favorite meal and suddenly you feel like you could take on the world.
The male orgasm is one of—if not the—most potent shots of dopamine your brain can get.
After orgasm, the brain follows up with a second chemical, known as prolactin. Prolactin relaxes you; it causes the sluggish “afterglow” feeling that follows a really good orgasm.
In men, prolactin forces the dopamine to leave your system quickly. This is the reason that the average male orgasm tends to be short (lasting only 5-10 seconds) and the tired post-coital feeling comes on so quickly. But what does a male orgasm look like after a month of being snugly denied within a cock cage?
Studies show when a male orgasms after a significant period of denial (usually several days to several weeks), his brain releases more dopamine and less prolactin, allowing for a longer, more intense orgasm. Additionally, the dopamine stays in his system longer – for up to several days after orgasm – allowing him to continue feeling happy and energized. In short, there is a valid scientific reason why enforced male chastity produces longer and better orgasms with pleasurable, beneficial after effects.
Other Benefits– For Him
But we get it – hormones aren’t sexy. (Unless that’s your thing. We don’t judge!) There are other reasons beyond the scientific to engage in male chastity.
You get to submit to your partner. You get to make her (or him, or them – people of all orientations enjoy chastity play!) feel confident, sexy and in command.
You get to be reminded of the submissive little slave and pet that you are. Most likely, the reminders come in physical form – you can constantly feel that cage keeping your poor neglected cock from getting hard or ejaculating.
And, at the end of all of it, when you’ve been a good enough boy to earn your release, you get to have a mind-blowing, earth-shattering, simply amazing orgasm.
Enforced male chastity is any submissive’s dream. Maybe you’re locked up as punishment because you came before your partner would let you. Maybe your caging is a permanent one, with orgasms earned by good behavior. Either way, you’re totally, completely and most importantly physically at your keyholder’s control. Even when temptation strikes and you so desperately want to succumb, you simply can’t – that cage around your cock will come off if and only if your partner allows it.
Of course, there’s a number of kinks that can be combined with male chastity to result in an even sexier experience. Are you a fan of foreplay? A simple cock cage cleaning session can turn into an extended tease that sets your every nerve on fire. How about prostate stimulation? When you’re caged, that humble bundle of nerves is often your best and only hope of producing the spine-tingling sexual sensations denied to your cock.
Pain’s your game? Spanking is a lovely punishment for those times when you just can’t hold it until you’re given permission. Exhibitionism up your alley? Have your keyholder take you out in public in tight pants as you try to hide the bulge of the cage and the rattle of your padlock. Feel like some feminization? The sissies among us can invest in a perfectly pink cock cage, and how about adding some nice tight panties, stockings or garters? (Chosen by your partner, of course!)
If you’re looking for even more ideas, check out our play ideas, game suggestions, or perhaps one of our spicy stories to stimulate your imagination. There’s pretty much nothing you can’t do while caged – well, except have an orgasm, of course!
So You Want to Lock Him Up?
Maybe you’re a natural dominant who dreams of seeing a caged man kneeling before you. Perhaps you’d never heard of male chastity before your partner shyly confessed his fantasies to you, but you’re willing to give it a try. Or you’re somewhere in the middle – eager and excited but not quite sure where to begin.
Either way, you’re probably asking myself – what’s in it for me? Does an enforced male chastity dynamic include ways for me to feel good, experience pleasure and leave satisfied?
Sure, he’s the one who’s going to be wearing the cage, experiencing the physical sensations of being temporarily or permanently in chastity. Where does that leave you? Well, you’re the one who holds the key – you are the person to whom he has surrendered complete and utter control of what’s most likely his favorite and most well-used part of his body. It’s all yours, you lucky thing!
How Does His Chastity Benefit You?
Of course, that doesn’t mean that you should forgo having conversations with your partner both before and throughout incorporating chastity into your dynamic. What it does mean is that you make the rules. What does your caged partner need to do to earn his orgasms? It’s up to you to decide. This is a great way to make your own interests or kinks a part of a chastity relationship. Is your man a virtuoso with his tongue? Maybe he provides those services daily for a week. Want to walk him around the house on a leash while calling him your pet, or have him lick your high heels? Insert kink here - chastity allows you to ask – or demand – any such favor of him while promising a reward that he’ll do anything to earn!
The decrease in focus on his own orgasm gives him time to learn more about your body and what makes you moan, wriggle and have orgasms just as explosive as the ones he – occasionally – enjoys!
Chastity Beyond the Bedroom
But wait, you ask. I’m no professional dominatrix. I’m not even sure if I have a dominant bone in my body. Does agreeing to explore chastity with my partner mean I’m going to have to become a whip-wielding corset-wearing ice queen or king?
No. If you are, or want to be, any of those things, that’s great! But if you aren’t? Also fabulous!
Start slow and small. Tease him by wearing his favorite dress of yours, or one of his shirts, around the house all day. Tell him about a sexy dream you had while he sits patiently caged. Whips and heels don’t have to come into it unless you want them to.
If you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed, especially starting out, like it’s all too much for you all at once? Tease and torment him by forbidding discussion of chastity or mentioning the cage for a whole day, or even a week! What could be crueler?
Chastity is about an exchange - limiting your partner’s orgasms in exchange for what you want. Whatever you want. And that’s not limited to sex! Chastity, especially long term, enforced chastity, can become a part of your daily life. When you’re working with your partner to brainstorm a list of tasks he could perform to earn an orgasm, think outside the bed! For example, he could wash the dishes, cook your favorite meals a couple times per week, or give you a nice relaxing massage. The best kind of chastity relationship is one where both (or all) partners are satisfied not just physically, but emotionally as well.
Remember - A Man’s More Than a Cock!
Chastity does not necessarily mean that you are eliminating orgasms from your sex life entirely. Nor does it mean that your partner has to be a full-time dominatrix, or that you must by necessity engage in female-led relationships, BDSM play, financial domination, or anything of that sort.
In fact, there are a lot of misconceptions about male chastity relationships. Head over here to learn more!
We’ve talked at length in this article both about what male chastity is and what it is not. We’ve given you tips on the why, the what and the how of introducing this exciting new dynamic into your relationship.
So where do you go from here? Our website includes a number of informative articles on all aspects of the male chastity lifestyle. Read about keyholding, ruined orgasms, contracts and more, all here on our helpful LocktheCock website! Or head over to captions, games or stories to start planning your next play session!
And, of course, whether you’re buying a cock cage for the first time or upgrading to a newer, more intense model after years of experience, our wide range of products has something for you. From extra-small plastic cages in sissy pink to imposing stainless steel cock cages, we’ve got the right lock for your cock!
Wishing you luck, pleasure, and infrequent but mind-blowing orgasms.
More Chastity Basics Articles
Do You Have Sex During Male Chastity?
Solo Chastity and Online Chastity
Male Chastity #102: Cock Cages
Finding the Best Underwear (or Panties!) for a Locked Cock
Teasing and (Sometimes) Pleasing: Ideas for Chastity Play
Safety & Comfort for Permanent Chastity
How To Measure For a Male Chastity Device